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Many of us or people we know will experience cancer. Macmillan Helps everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can by providing practical, medical, and financial support, and campaigning for change.   The Castles Bike Ride is just one way Swindon, and people from outside our area raise much-needed funds for Macmillan.
To organise and run the event we need volunteers

Available roles

Marshalls - The marshals commit for between 3 and 5 hours on the first Sunday in June.  We provide them with a hi-viz vest and detailed instructions and maps which show the part of the course they are helping on, where the riders are coming from, and where they are going.  Our marshals are not policemen and are not asked to stop the traffic, but to warn approaching riders if there is traffic on the roads they are about to cross.  We always pair new marshals up with folk who have done it before so no one is coming into it cold.
It’s a day out in the country, in the fresh air, helping others to get around the course safely.  You need to dress appropriately for the weather and provide yourself with snacks and drinks whilst supervising your marshal point.  It would help if you had a mobile phone to let out HQ know you’re in position or very rarely if some incident has occurred.  You will be told when the last rider has passed you and you can stand down.  We would then welcome you back at our start point at Coate Water Country Park for a cuppa and cake. 

Some marshals are asked to bring back some of the signage.



On a section of the course, we have a refreshments area for riders to have snacks and a drink before setting off to complete the course. We are looking for volunteers to set up and manage the refreshments, serve drinks and tidy up and set down once the last riders have passed through. You will be told when the last rider has passed you and you can stand down.  We would then welcome you back at our start point at Coate Water Country Park for some refreshments of your own


If you have some time to spare on Sunday 2nd June please get in touch via our CONTACT FORM today



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